- Fanny Meyer Hillers
- School Nurse
Health Office- Nurse
Hillers School Nurse
Melissa Cobos RN, MSN, NJ-CSN
Office 201-646-7880
Mobile 201-464-0692
The purpose of the Health Office is to provide preventive and support services to ensure the health and safety of our students. These services include annual screenings, providing first aid, administering medications and treatments, health education, and promoting self-management skills. Keeping our students happy and healthy will promote their abilities to perform and succeed academically.
El propósito de la Oficina de Salud es proporcionar servicios preventivos y de apoyo para garantizar la salud y la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes. Estos servicios incluyen exámenes anuales, proporcionar primeros auxilios, administrar medicamentos y tratamientos, educación para la salud y promover habilidades de autogestión. Mantener a nuestros estudiantes felices y saludables promoverá sus habilidades para desempeñarse y tener éxito académico.
School Health Forms/Formularios de Salud Escolar:
- School Physical Form/ Forma Física de la Escuela
- Medication Administration Form/ Forma para administración de medicamentos
- NJ Asthma Treatment Form/ Forma para Tratamiento de Asma
-Anaphylaxis Treatment Form/ Forma para Tratamiento de Anafilaxia
Parent Health Links
NJ Parent portal for federal, state, and community resources
NJ State affordable family health coverage
Parent Advice/Information Guide
American Academy of Pediatrics Parent Resource
Food & Allergy management resource
NJ Asthma management resource