What is the procedure for requesting a Professional Day out of the district?
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What is the procedure for requesting a Professional Day?
- Any staff member, instructional or administrative, who wishes to attend a staff development event outside of the district (i.e. workshop, conference, professional meeting, etc.) must complete the professional day request form and submit it to Bob Corrado in the Office of Curriculum and Instruction for approval 7-10 days prior to the request. If reimbursement for cost of the PD involved, then the request requires BOE approval and must be submitted not less than thirty (30) day in advance.
- Once a decision is made, a copy of the form is returned to the school and staff member, and the request is logged into a central database. This is necessary in order to comply with QSAC and NCLB requirements.
- If the request is Denied, no further action is necessary.
- If the request is Approved, it is the employee's responsibility to enter the absence request into Aesop.
- The principal should only approve of a professional day absence request if (s)he has a copy of the Approved Professional Day request form in hand.
- The Asst. Superintendent will only approve of a professional day absence request if he sees the Approved Professional Day logged into the central database.
- A written report must be submitted to the principal/immediate supervisor within 10 days of the event.