Tips for Parents

  • PARENT TIP #1:

    Making Morning Routines Manageable:

    1. Decide what time you need to walk out the door to be to school on time.
    2. Think about all the things your child needs to do from the time he/she awakes until it is time to walk out the door. Think carefully about how much time is needed to complete the tasks and ensure you and your child have enough time to get everything done
    3. Make a list of the things that need to be done in the order they are to be completed. For young children drawings or pictures maybe helpful on the list.


    Planning and patience are key. Make sure enough time is allowed for everything to be done and praise is readily being given.


    PARENT TIP #2:

    Read to your child often. Ask your child to read to you. Talk about the story(ies). Students whose parents read to them tend to perform better in school. If you have difficulty reading, then ask an adult friend or relative to read to your child often, beyond the school day.