Miss West's Homework Policy

    • Each day, homework assignments will be sent home with your child and are due the following day for full credit. Students are to complete all assignments when given.
    • If an assignment is not completed, the student lets me know and it is noted as incomplete or not complete. The student will receive a zero as a grade.  He/She must then complete the assignment that night at home to receive partial credit, in addition to any other assignments given on that day.
    • All completed work and tests will be sent home on Friday in your child’s Friday Folder. Please review the folder each Friday, sign the tests/quizzes, and return the folder with your child on Monday.
    • Any work during the week that is not completed by Friday will need to be completed over the weekend and returned in your child’s Friday Folder on Monday for partial credit. If the student does not return the incomplete work by Monday, he/she will receive a zero as a grade and the work may not be made up. (This does not include major reports and projects. They must be completed, although they will receive only partial credit.)
    • Students with consistent incomplete and/or missed assignments will be required to have a conference with me to discuss the problem and solutions. You will also be notified.
    • In the case of short-term to long-term absences, students will be given extra time to complete all assignments.


    I strongly suggest that each student have a Homework Buddy who can pick up assignments for him/her when he/she is absent. I am more than willing to send any assignments home so that your child may keep up with the class.

