- Hackensack Public Schools
- Special Services Homepage
Overview of Special Education Services
The Office of Special Education (OSE) implements state and federal laws and regulations governing special education to ensure that students with disabilities in New Jersey receive a free and appropriate public education (FAPE). The office provides statewide leadership through the development of policy and documents, and provides guidance to school districts and parents regarding the implementation of special education programs and services. The office monitors the delivery of special education programs operated under state authority, provides mediation services to parents and school districts, processes hearings with the Office of Administrative Law, and conducts complaint investigations requested by the public. In addition, the office funds regional learning resource centers (LRCs) that provide schools and parents with information services, materials circulation, technical assistance, consultation services and production services. The office also provides technical assistance on topics related to students with disabilities and the development of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and accessing individual rights.
Office Administration
Director of Special Services: Darius Pemberton 201-646-8010 dpemberton@hackensackschools.org Supervisor of Special Services Prek-4 Kristen Bader 201-646-7824 kbader@hackensackschools.org Supervisor of Special Services 5-12+ Joanne Winters 201-646-8012 jwinters@hackensackschools.org Support Staff/ Administrative Assistants
AA to the Director/ State Reporting Doris Gehl 201-646-8012 dgehl@hackensackschools.org Mckinney Vento Liaison Anadia Diaz 201-646-8010 adiaz@hackensackschools.org Transportation Coordinator Araceli Reyes de Martinez 201-646-8011 areyesdemartinez@hackensackschools.org Semi Coordinator Maria Fenner 201-646-8006 mfenner@hackensackschools.org Student Records Gresly Santos 201-646-8000 gsantos@hackensackschools.org