- Hackensack Public Schools
- Technology
- Student Email Information
Grade 3-12 Student Email Information
All students in grades K-12 now have email accounts. Please review the guidelines attached below.
All student accounts use the following username/email address format:
Username: first_name_intial + first_4_letters_of_last_name + last_3_digits_of_student_id
Email: [username]@hackensackstudents.orgGrades K-4 accounts use the following password format:
Password: student_id + 2_digit_grad_year*
Example: 4th grader Tommy Jones with ID# 122910 (Class of 2028)
Username: tjone910
Password: 12291028
Email: tjone910@hackensackstudents.org*Password for students in grades 6-12 consist of a random word and two-digit number. To obtain your child's password, please log into the Genesis Parent or Student Portal.
Student Google Apps accounts are actively monitored, filtered and logged to ensure compliance with the Child Internet Protection Act. To learn more about how we filter Student Google Drive accounts, please see the attached file below.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Adrian Cepero via email at acepero@hackensackschools.org or by phone at (201) 646-1853.
** If you do not wish for your child to participate in Google Apps, please send a written notice to the school.**
Related Files
Related Links
Hackensack Google Apps Login Page
Use this link to login to your child's Google Apps account.