Media Center Goals

  • Goals of the Media Center Program

    • To help the students acquire an interest in and enjoyment of reading.
    • To acquire and maintain a balanced collection of media center resources which meet the needs of the users.
    • To teach the students the necessary skills to be efficient and effective information users.
    • To support the Hillers’ curriculum and the teachers' classroom programs by providing necessary materials and appropriate guidance and instruction to students.

    How Parents Can Help the Media Center Achieve Its Goals

    • Encourage your children to read. Show an interest in the books your child brings home. Read with your child on a daily basis.
    • Encourage your child to take good care of library materials. Provide a safe place for him/her to keep library materials at home.
    • Provide a sturdy bag so your child can safely transport library materials to and from school.
    • Help your child remember to return materials on time by checking the due date cards in the back pocket of books and making sure videos are returned the next school day.
    • Use the public library with your child.
    • Provide close supervision when your child is using the Internet at home.

    Reading Guidance

    Personal reading guidance, one of the most individualized components of the academic framework, is often informal and spontaneous. It is important to view it as an integral part of the total framework so that students are continuously reinforced in the concepts that there are reading materials about people like themselves and situations familiar to them. Books help them expand their knowledge and understand other cultures, new ideas, and historical perspectives. This program includes directed browsing, story-telling, listening skills, book talks, bibliographies, creative and oral book sharing, planning, and collaboration between the students' teachers and the media specialist.

    Through a continuous reading guidance program, students will be able to:

    • Select books and materials for classroom and personal use.
    • Share reading experiences.
    • Discriminate in choice of reading matter.
    • Meet individual differences in reading interests.
    • Understand personal concerns through reading.