Everyday Mathematics

  • Mathematics

    At NKP, we use the Everyday Mathematics Program.  This is a spiral curriculum, which means concepts are reintroduced each year.  Therefore, most skills are not mastered when they are first introduced.

    The program covers all of the skills that are required by the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards. Please visit the link below to view the second grade Math standards.


    HOMELINKS: Homelinks are a very important part of the Everyday Mathematics Program.  These are daily homework sheets that review exactly what we covered in class.  If your child is having trouble with a homelink, please take the time to review that concept with them. 

    We will be completing about one unit per month in Mathematics. At the end of each unit, there will be a Progress Check, which is the same as a Unit Test. It will measure all skills your child should have mastered during the unit.  Test reminders will be written down in the assignment pad.  Once tests are graded, they will be sent home to be reviewed with your child, signed and returned to school.  

    The units are organized as follows.

    Unit 1- Routines, Review and Assessment (Grade 2 Review)

    In this unit, students will be reviewing grade 2 Math skills. This is a refresher unit and should not pose any real struggles for students.  Some topics covered include number grids, sequences, data, money and patterns. 

    Unit 2- Addition and Subtraction Whole Numbers

    In this unit, students will review fact families, learn how to use diagrams to help solve addition and subtraction number stories, which may include temperature and money.  The diagrams are "Change-to-More" and "Parts-and-Total".  We will also review algoritms for addition and subtraction.

    Unit 3- Linear Measures and Area

    In this unit, students will explore metric and standard units of measure and equivalencies. Students will gain practice with measuring to the nearest whole or 1/2 inch and identifying the area and perimeter of a given figure.

    Unit 4- Multiplication and Division

    In this unit, students will gain automaticity with multiplication and division facts.  We will also review and practice shortcuts and patterns.

    Unit 5- Place Value in Whole Numbers and Decimals

    In this unit, students gain practice with place value, including decimals. Place value up to ten-thousands will be covered as well as tenths, hundredths and thousandths.   

    Unit 6- Geometry

    In this unit, students will review and expand on their knowledge of geometry. Students will be able to identify lines, line segments, rays, as well as concepts such as angles, congruence, symmetry and 3D shapes.

    Unit 7- Multiplication and Division

    In this unit, students will gain more practice and automaticity with multiplication and division facts and number stories. They will have the opportunity to apply these concepts with more real-world examples.

    Unit 8- Fractions

    In this unit, students will need to build upon what they learned last year.  Students will learn that a fraction is part of ONE and use simple fractions to identify the part in a group and equivalent fractions. In addition, students will compare fractions and be able to identify fractions greater than ONE, mixed numbers.

    Unit 9- Multiplication and Division

    In this unit, students will explore more complex concepts of multiplication and division. We will practice number stories and two-digit problems.  In addition, problems with parentheses will be introduced, as well as money problems. 

    Unit 10- Measurement and Data

    In this unit, students will explore metric and standard units of measure and equivalencies- including, but not limited to volume, weight and capacity.  Students will also practice working with data to find the maximum, minimum, mode, mean and median. 

    Unit 11- Projects, Concepts Revisited

    In this unit, students will apply concepts learned throughout the year to projects and activities completed in class.