
  •  Everday Math Curriculum (see related link below)

    Unit 1:

    • To introduce students to the Student Reference Book,
    • To practice using geometry tools,
    • To classify quadrangles,
    • To explore and identify polygons, and
    • To review and practice addition and subtraction facts.

    Unit 2:

    • To examine different uses and equivalent names of numbers and review the base-ten place-value system,
    • To review procedures for addition and subtraction of multi-digit whole numbers, and
    • To reintroduce and extend ideas about data collection, organization, display, and analysis.

    Unit 3:

    • To review strategies for solving multiplication facts; and to help students work toward instant recall of the multiplication facts,
    • To provide practice interpreting data, measuring length, and using a map scale through the World Tour Project,
    • To introduce a simplified approach to solving number stories; and to provide practice solving number stories, and
    • To provide practice with number sentences and open sentences.

    Unit 4:

    • To extend the base-ten place-value system to decimals,
    • To review and extend basic concepts, notation, and applications for decimals,
    • To extend whole-number methods of addition and subtraction to decimals, and
    • To review relationships among metric units of length, and guide students as they use them.

    Unit 5:

    • To extend basic multiplication facts to review the basic principles of multiplication of multi-digit numbers,
    • To provide practice estimating and deciding when estimation is appropriate,
    • To review and provide practice with the partial-products algorithm

    Unit 6:

    • To provide practice solving multiplication and division number stories,
    • To introduce the division algorithm and the concept of remainders as fractions or decimals,
    • To provide practice drawing, measuring, and naming angles using half-circle and full-circle protractors, and
    • To introduce latitude and longitude and to utilize letter-number pairs and ordered pairs on a grid system.

    Mid-year Assessment: After several math lessons, students are given an assessment based on the lessons taught.

    Unit 7:

    • To review fractions as parts of a whole (ONE), fractions on number lines, and uses of fractions,
    • To guide students as they order fractions and find fractional parts of sets and regions,
    • To provide practice identifying equivalent fractions, and
    • To review basic ideas of probability, comparing predicted and actual results, and guiding the application of fractions to chance experiments.

    Unit 8:

    • To review perimeter and area concepts,
    • To develop formulas as mathematical models for the areas of rectangles, parallelograms, and triangles, and
    • To explore applications of area with scale drawings.

    Unit 9:

    • To reinforce naming equivalencies among fractions, decimals, and percents,
    • To reinforce the use of a data table, guide the organization and tabulation of survey data, and rank and compare data reported as percents, and
    • To introduce multiplication and division of decimals by whole numbers.

    Unit 10

    • To guide the discovery of basic properties of reflections, involving 2-dimensional figures and the connection with line symmetry,
    • To guide the application of reflections, rotations, and translations, and
    • To introduce addition involving negative integers.

    Unit 11:

    • To review grams and ounces as units of weight,
    • To identify geometric solids, given their properties,
    • To review concepts and units of capacity and volume, and
    • To introduce subtraction involving positive and negative integers.

    Unit 12:

    • To introduce rates and provide practice collecting and comparing rate data,
    • To provide practice solving rate problems, to provide practice comparing unit prices and identifying information needed for comparison shopping, and
    • To reflect on this year’s World Tour experiences and progress on 50-facts tests.

    End-of-year Assessment: This is a cumulative assessment of all the math concepts taught from the beginning of the year to the present.
