MS Robotics Club


    Welcome to the

    Hackensack Middle School Robotics Club

    Founded February 2013

    Mrs. Kim Muller, Advisor 

    Mr. Mike Mocera, Co-Advisor


    Welcome to School Year 2018-2019

    Hackensack MS Robotics Club Featured in the Hackensack Chronicle!


    Click here for Article





    • There will be a General Interest meeting  in October TBD from 3:00-3:30pm.
    • At that meeting, interested students will be given an "interest form"  for their teachers and parents to complete.
    • If the interest level for the club is very high, we will do our best to include as many students as possible by creating different tiers and sessions of  the club by grade level, but our resources are limited.  If student demand exceeds our resources, we will maintain a waiting list and give preference of membership for those students in the following year.
    • The first meeting of the robotics club will be in October.
    • The club will be broken into a 5th and 6th grade tier, and a 7th and 8th grade tier.  The meetings times for the remainder of the year will be posted after the first meeting in October




    The purpose of the Hackensack Middle School Robotics club is to give our students an opportunity to work with others in a spirit of collaboration and gracious competition to solve real world problems using computer controlled robotic systems.  Using the engineering design process, the club will provide students with the opportunity to maximize both human capacity and use of technology, both of which are necessary components of successful teams of engineers and scientists.

    The Hackensack Middle School Robotics Club will serve make Science, Technology, Engineering and Math course work and future science and engineering careers a greater possibility for all students and will reinforce the STEM focus in our 5-12 Science Curriculum. 


    Our mission will be crafted in the spirit of USFIRST robotics, whose mission is:


    Our mission is to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders, by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership. (





    Goals for SY 2018-2019


    1)      Our students will gain familiarity with the same robotics components used in the USFIRST First Lego League Robotics competition.

    2)      The robotics club will outreach to the community, other schools with robotics programs, and local colleges and universities for guidance and support.

    3)      The club with coordinate with the Hackensack High School robotics club, Science and Technology department, and Math and Fine Arts department to support the district-wide Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math (STEAM) approach to attract students to STEAM related post-secondary college programs and careers.

    4)      Our HMS Robotics club students are strongly encouraged to sign up for the Hackensack High School Robotics club at the end of their 8th-grade year.





    • The club will present an overview of robotics in practice and includes the following topics: motion planning, mobile mechanisms, sensors, control mechanisms and iconic programming.
    • The club will focus on the application of STEM topics through the planning, development, programming, and testing of solutions to a series of design problems. Students are expected to participate in a state/national robotics competition as part of the club.



    Meeting Times


    Start date in mid-October 2018


    Behavior Expectations


    The robots and computers used in the club are delicate and expensive. Students will be expected to treat the robots as well as the others on your team with respect and care.

    If a student demonstrates inappropriate behavior, they will be asked to leave the club.


    Students are expected to attend all sessions. When sick, students are to email Mrs. Muller to let her know that they will not be in attendance.

    Excessive absences could result in the removal from the club.


    Entrance Criteria:


    Students will be admitted according to the following criteria:


     The student must demonstrate interest and commitment by returning the teacher recommendation document by the due date.  Ample advertisement of the enrollment period will be given.   All participants must return the parental consent/photo permission form.

          If there are remaining spots, students will be accepted according to the following criteria:


    1.      Demonstration of interest after a second advertisement.

    2.      Teacher recommendation (B in all core content areas, unless highly recommended by teacher with waiver)

    3.      Commitment to make all meetings.