Health Education Updates

    • August 28, 2023

    Dear Hackensack Families,

    We are excited to welcome you and your child(ren) back to school! As a means of supporting the New Jersey Health and Physical education standards and goals to educate and empower students in areas that are often linked with confusion and misinformation, the District has adopted the use of The Great Body Shop, an informative resource that will help to focus on the work and discussions for the class, while providing students with much needed information. While we acknowledge that some topics may be awkward for students, parents, and guardians, our highly qualified and certified staff will approach all topics with respect and consideration of our community’s values.


    Our Curriculum and Physical Education & Health leaders would like to encourage families to review this link Hackensack Health Curriculum Updates.  Here you can find details about the standards,  district curriculum, and resources that are available. You can find links to previous presentations and a recording of a parents' meeting that was previously held to address concerns and questions.  If you have questions after reviewing the information, please contact us and we will answer any questions you may have.


    Should you decide to have your child excused from portions of the elementary health curriculum, please follow these steps. First, send a letter to your child's principal stating your intent to opt out of health/sex education/family life instruction. Expect to receive a phone call from Mrs. Acebo, Social Studies, Physical Education, and Health Supervisor, explaining the next steps, and answering any questions or concerns you may have. Finally, if you still want to use your opt-out rights, review the forms below, to choose the specific lessons your child will not be participating in and return the form to your child's Principal and Mrs. Acebo. Please be advised that you must complete this process yearly. If you have previously opted out of health lessons, you must complete this form again for this school year.


    Students who are excused from a health lesson will be supervised and expected to engage in an instructional activity. Elementary students will be assigned to another class at their grade level during this time. Middle and High School students will be assigned an additional physical education period and will report to the gym. Attendance will be taken. In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:35-4.7, any student whose parent presents to the Principal a signed statement that any part of the instruction in health, family life education, or sex education is in conflict with his/her conscience or sincerely held moral or religious beliefs shall be excused from that portion of the course where such instruction is being given and no penalties as to credit or graduation shall result.


    We value the importance of partnering with Hackensack families as we educate our students in the knowledge and skills they need to lead healthy, safe, and active lives.


    • Janice Acebo, Supervisor of Social Studies and Physical Education & Health

      Lauren Kazmark, Ed.D,  Director of Curriculum & Grants

Health Education Information

Forms for Parents/Guardians Wishing To Excuse Students From Health Education Lessons