SGO Calculator

  • To use the Hackensack SGO calculator you will need to fill in the yellow areas on each of the three tabs.

    First Tab

    The first tab will calculate your SGO rating based on two individual SGO scores. You will need to type in the teacher name and the SGO names as well as either the “weighted” or “averaged” SGO score for each SGO in the yellow cell to calculate your final SGO score.

    Second and Third Tabs

    The second tab and third tabs will be for your first SGO and second SGO. You will again fill in the yellow areas to calculate your SGO. To successfully complete the SGO calculator you will need to enter the following information into the yellow areas.


    1.       Pre/Mid/Post Dates of the assessments

    2.       The student names, group, targeted area, pretest score and target score.

    3.       The mid-test score and post-test score will be filled in once you have administered the assessments

    4.       You will select the “target for full attainment” number of students

    5.       You will need to also select the “margin of error”

    After entering this data you will be able to see the number of students and the percent of your students you will need to make full attainment.

    Once you have input the scores for the post-test your SGO rating will be automatically calculated at the top of the page.



    If you want to view the SGO video in school, you must log in to the computer using your teacher login and use Google chrome to view the video.

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