This is what should be included - 12-18 ORIGINAL works of art including the following: *Original works from observation *Life/Figure Drawing *Self-portrait *Still-life *Land/cityscape *A breadth of work using a variety of mediums and styles *A concentration of works focused on exploring a specific medium or subject *Sketchbook or visual journals *Artist Statement stating who you are as an artist *CREATIVE EXPLORATIONS! Originality goes a long way.
Please find below links to preparing portfolios, careers in art, art majors, and art schools to look into.
FREE PORTFOLIO FEEDBACK *Upload your portfolio of work to get feedback from 35 art & design colleges at AICAD.SLIDEROOM.COM
For Students who are interested in going to school for art, Portfolio Day's are a great way to speak with representatives of the colleges, and get information. You can also get feedback on your portfolio from the people who will be judging your portfolio, providing you an opportunity to improve it before applying. National Portfolio Day in New York, NY -