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    I am writing to provide you with information about Hackensack High School’s Dual Enrollment Program through Bergen Community College, Fairleigh Dickinson University and Seton Hall University at Hackensack High School. The Dual Enrollment Program provides high school students the opportunity to earn college credit while simultaneously fulfilling their high school requirements. This program offers numerous benefits, including exposure to college-level coursework, and the opportunity to save time and money by completing college credits early.  Even though your child is enrolled in the high school course, you are not obligated to register and pay for college credit.


    Please be aware that some courses are offered through multiple colleges, so check the details below to see which classes are dual enrolled and decide where your child would prefer to receive credit. Additionally, remember that credit cannot be earned for the same course at multiple colleges, and tuition costs per credit can vary between colleges.


    The following courses at Hackensack High School are dual enrolled:

    AP Italian Language

    Culinary Arts 1 Food Prep

    Honors Careers in Education

    Honors Latin American Studies

    AP Precalculus

    Culinary Arts 1 Food Protection

    Honors Contemporary Studies

    Honors Race and Representation in Literature

    AP Spanish Language

    Culinary Arts 2 Nutrition

    Honors Criminal Justice

    Honors Sociology

    AP Spanish Literature

    Culinary Arts 3 Baking

    Honors Discrete Math/Stats

    Honors Spanish 3/CP Spanish 3/Honors Heritage Spanish 3

    Architectural Drafting/CAD 2/3

    Honors Accounting 1

    Honors English 4: Mythology

    Honors Speech Communication

    CP TV Comm/Digital Production

    Honors Accounting 2

    Honors French 3/CP French 3

    Metal 1/Welding

    Creative Writing

    Honors Anatomy & Physiology

    Honors Italian 3/CP Italian 3

    Honors Spanish 4


    To participate in dual enrollment and receive college credit, there are some important steps to take:


    • Course Enrollment: Your child must be currently enrolled in one or more of the dual enrollment courses on the list. These courses are taught by qualified high school instructors who follow the college's curriculum and standards.


    • Payment: In order for your child to receive college credit for these courses, there is a tuition fee associated with each credit hour. Please ensure that payment is made on time to secure your child's college credits.


    • Transcripts: Upon successful completion of the dual enrollment courses, your child will receive both high school credit and college credit. These credits will be reflected on their high school transcript as well as on the college transcript from where you obtained the credits. Credits can also be transferred to other colleges and universities if they choose to accept them.


    We are thrilled to offer dual enrollment opportunities to our students and believe that this program will greatly benefit your child's academic and future career endeavors. Enclosed, you will find information about the registration process and cost. If you have any questions or concerns about dual enrollment or the registration process, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s school counselor. 



    The Dual Enrollment Program at Bergen Community College provides high school students with the opportunity to earn college credit at a 50% reduced rate while simultaneously fulfilling their high school requirements. Students must have a minimum 2.75 GPA and demonstrate the ability to successfully complete the course. Upon dual credit course completion, students receive a letter grade that is then recorded on the official Bergen Community College transcript.

    Application Period: November 18, 2024 - February 28, 2025

    Registration Period: November 18, 2024 - March 7, 2025

    Cost: Tuition + Registration fee

    Dual enrollment students are eligible for the reduced cost per credit rates below.

    •  In-County $78.72 per credit

    • Out-of-County $161.67 per credit

    • Out-of State $170.10 per credit

    • Registration Fee $16.30 (one-time)

    Tuition Waiver: Students who participate in the Free & Reduced Lunch Program are eligible to receive a tuition waiver. All you have to pay is a one-time registration fee of $16.30.

    Application: Visit www.bergen.edu/dualenrollment to apply

    Payment: Make payment online via the BCC student portal at my.bergen.edu with a credit/debit card (fee attached) or an E-check.

    Refund & Withdrawal Policy: Official withdrawal dates are listed on the Spring 2025 (2025SP) registration calendar, www.bergen.edu/registration/regcal. Students who withdraw from a course after the 100% refund date, will be financially responsible for the tuition and registration fee and will receive a 'W' grade on their transcript. Technology Support: The BCC Help Desk provides support and guidance with any technical issues you might experience. Please note that the Help Desk will only respond to support requests from students (application/registration) and high school counselors (grading). Contact (201) 879-7109 or helpdesk@bergen.edu.

    Transferability: While BCC course credits have been accepted by colleges and universities throughout the United States, BCC cannot guarantee transfer of any course(s) taken for credit. Students are strongly encouraged to contact the university of intent to inquire about dual credit courses that will be considered for acceptance prior to registration. Official Transcripts: all courses will be listed on the Spring 2025 term in the transcript with grades based on the BCC grading scale. Students can request their transcript after grades are posted at www.getmytranscript.com. To learn more about the transcript request process visit bergen.edu/registration/request-transcripts. Students can download a free unofficial transcript from their BCC student portal.


    High School Course Title

    Length of Course

    High School Teacher

    BCC Course Code

    BCC Course Title

    # of College Credits

    Architectural Drafting/CAD 2/3


    Tania Feliz-Patron

    DFT 107

    Drafting 1

    3 credits

    Metal 1/Welding


    Tania Feliz-Patron

    MFG 130

    Welding Technology 1

    3 credits

    Culinary Arts 1 Food Protection

    ½ year

    Kelly Carroll

    HRM 102

    Food Protection & Safety

    3 credits

    Culinary Arts 1 Food Prep

    ½ year

    Kelly Carroll

    HRM 103

    Professional Food Prep Techniques

    3 credits

    Culinary Arts 2 Nutrition


    Kelly Carroll

    HRM 105

    Culinary Nutrition

    3 credits

    Culinary Arts 3 Baking


    Kelly Carroll

    HRM 110

    Intro to Baking

    3 credits

    Honors English 4: Mythology


    Stephanie Shaw

    LIT 229

    Myths & Literature

    3 credits

    Honors Speech Comm.


    Margie Freeman

    COM 102

    Public Speaking

    3 credits

    Honors Race & Representation in Literature


    Caseen Gaines

    SOC 222

    Ethnic & Minority Group Relations

    3 credits

    Honors Careers in Education


    Suzy Roushdy

    EDU 101

    Intro to Education

    3 credits

    Honors Criminal Justice


    Brian Hooper

    CRJ 101

    Intro to Criminology

    3 credits

    AP Precalculus


    Kathleen Schlogl

    MAT 180


    4 credits

    Creative Writing


    Elizabeth Murray

    ENG 204

    Creative Writing

    3 credits

    Honors French 3/CP French 3


    Claudia Guedes

    LAN 110

    French 1

    3 credits

    Honors Italian 3/CP Italian 3


    Karelia Tejada

    LAN 112 

    Italian 1 

    3 credits

    AP Italian Language


    Karelia Tejada

    LAN 220

    Italian 2

    3 credits

    Honors Spanish 3/CP Spanish 3/ Honors Heritage Spanish 3


    Soraya Gonzalez, Erika Nolasco, Jasmin Acevedo

    LAN 113

    Spanish 1

    3 credits

    Honors Spanish 4


    Edvane Colacino

    LAN 230

    Spanish 2

    3 credits

    AP Spanish Language


    Elsa Marquez-


    LAN 231

    Intermediate Spanish 1

    3 credits

    AP Spanish Literature


    Soraya Gonzalez

    LAN 232

    Intermediate Spanish 2

    3 credits




    Instructions to Register for a Course 

    • Go to fdu.edu/ec (Tuition costs are located on their website)

    • Click on Register Now, then click on your high school

    • Enter the required information • Add the courses to the cart, and Check Out!


    To retain FDU student account access after graduation, Students must register with their personal email address. 

    High School Course Title

    Length of Course

    High School Teacher

    FDU Course Code

    FDU Course Title

    # of College Credits

    Honors Accounting 1


    Joseph Aponte

    ACCT 2021

    Intro to Financial Accounting

    3 credits

    Honors Accounting 2


    Joseph Aponte

    ACCT 2022 

    Intro to Managerial Accounting

    3 credits

    Honors English 4: Mythology


    Stephanie Shaw

    LITS 2331 

    Myths & Sacred Texts

    3 credits

    Honors Speech Comm.


    Margie Freeman

    SPCH 2351 

    Persuasive Speaking

    3 credits

    Honors Race & Representation in Literature


    Caseen Gaines

    UNIV 2001 

    Cross Cultural Perspectives

    3 credits

    Honors Careers in Education


    Suzy Roushdy

    EDUX 1108 

    Seminar: Prof Practice 1

    3 credits

    Honors Contemporary Studies


    Colin Church

    SOCI 2810

    Social Problems

    3 credits

    Honors Sociology


    Claire Mackey

    SOCI 1201

    Intro to Sociology

    3 credits

    Honors Latin American Studies


    Soraya Gonzalez

    HIST 2502 

    Modern Latin America

    3 credits

    Honors Criminal Justice


    Brian Hooper

    CRIM 1101 

    Intro to Criminology

    3 credits

    AP Precalculus


    Kathleen Schlogl

    MATH 1107


    4 credits

    Honors Discrete Math/Stats


    Caitlyn Kropilak

    DSCI 2029

    Intro to Stats

    3 credits

    Honors Anatomy & Physiology


    Jennifer Wills

    BIOL 1205

    Anatomy & Physiology 1

    4 credits 




    Registration Information and Credit Cost: The Project Acceleration Fall Information Form will be open from August 19th through October 31st. The payment portal will close after November 11th. The link for the Information Form can be found below. You must complete this form to start the registration and payment process. Credits are $110 each, meaning a three-credit class is $330. 


    Students can call (973) 761-9224 or email projectacceleration@shu.edu for assistance in registration. 


    Registration Process: Students will go to the following link and fill out the necessary form every semester that they want to participate: 



    The student/parent will receive the payment email five business days after completing the initial interest form. Please keep an eye on your Spam folder. The payment through our online portal will be the registration. We will run a report every week for new students that pay for credits. 


    Students are not registered until after we receive an online payment.


    This payment email will have the student’s Seton Hall Student ID number along with a link to pay for your credits online. Please have them pay for the credits ASAP or they will not receive credits from Seton Hall University. 


    If students overpay, register for an incorrect class, or register for the wrong semester, they will receive a refund; if students underpay, we will contact them directly about their bill. You will receive a receipt via email after completing the payment. Please keep this on file for record keeping purposes. 


    We will not be accepting any payments made after November 11th at 11:59 P.M. Any payment made on November 12th will be refunded. If you have not completed your payment for Project Acceleration by then, we will not register you. There are no exceptions. 


    Each credit is $110, meaning that a three-credit course will cost $330. 


    If you do not receive the proper emails within a week, please contact our department immediately at projectacceleration@shu.edu with your full name, high school, and email address. 


    Students should consult their instructors for further information about a course's registration requirements. Some courses are sequential, requiring registration, and payment in both fall and spring semesters if students wish to receive credit for both semesters of the course. High school officials must inform students of the courses that are available at their academic location. If you cannot contact them, please see our online list of courses:



    Online Payment Information: Students will receive an email with detailed instructions for online payment five days after completing the initial information form. If they do not receive this communication, please email projectacceleration@shu.edu with the student’s full name and high school. We will resend the payment process as soon as possible


    Students will need to provide the following information, which can be obtained from the high school:


    1. The name of the high school that they attend, selected from a drop-down menu

    2. The name of the class at the high school, entered in a text box

    3. The class code and credits, selected from a drop-down menu

    4. The name of the high school teacher, entered in a text box


    The “quantity” that you add to your cart in our payment portal is the amount of classes you are registering for, not the amount of credits. If you put a quantity of “3” into your cart because you are paying for one class that is three credits, the system will not allow you to continue. 


    Please complete this payment on a laptop or desktop computer. Students experience issues with the portal when completing payment on their phone.


    Withdraw Process: Students may withdraw from the course and receive a refund of their tuition during the registration period only if they notify both their high school teacher and the Project Acceleration office in writing by the withdrawal deadline: October 31 (Fall); March 5 (Spring). An email must be sent to the Project Acceleration office at projectacceleration@shu.edu.


    Social Security Numbers: The Bursar’s Office will contact you via email for your Social Security Number. This is for tax purposes, so please respond to the instructions if you intend to claim these credits when filing.  


    Transferring Credits: We cannot guarantee that all colleges and universities will accept the transfer of credits. Please contact the Registrar or Transcript office of the schools your student is interested in and ask what their policy is on dual enrollment credits. 


    We do not offer refunds if the credits do not transfer. 


    If the school requires a syllabus for said courses, please contact our office at (973) 761-9224 or at projectacceleration@shu.edu. We will email you an electronic copy of the necessary syllabus. 


    Transcripts: Seton Hall University utilizes an online transcript ordering service offered through National Student Clearinghouse. We do not accept written requests. This system allows for the convenience and efficiency of ordering official transcripts via the internet at any time, 24/7.  You can order as many transcripts as needed in one online session using any major credit card.  

    To order your transcript visit getmytranscript.org

    • Type Seton Hall University into the textbox and select our school

    • Click Submit 

    • Enter personal information

    • If the system says “your record cannot be located, do you want to edit information?” select "no" and it will allow you to continue. 

    • Complete request form


    A Seton Hall ID number is not needed when filling out the transcript request form. This field can be left blank, but the Social Security number is mandatory. If the system says it cannot find you, say you do not want to edit the information and continue. This is because we do not have a Social Security Number on file for your child. We will find them manually. 


    Please try to be as specific as possible when entering the address of the college or university you are attending. If you are attending Seton Hall, you do not need to request a transcript. 


    Do not order a transcript to be sent to the college or university of your choice until after the student has graduated. You may order an unofficial transcript for your own records before graduation, but it will not transfer the credits. 


    Transcript requests are processed as they are received. Please select “hold for grades” so that the transcript is sent after the grades are entered. If this option is not available, it means your grades are most likely in our system and you can send the document “as-is.” 


    If they encounter any problems, they can contact the Transcript Office at 973-275-2285.

    High School Course Title

    Length of Course

    High School Teacher

    SHU Course Code

    SHU Course Title

    # of College Credits

    Honors Criminal Justice


    Brian Hooper


    Law II / Criminal Justice

    3 credits

    Honors English 4: Mythology




    Classical And World Mythology

    3 credits

    CP TV Comm/Digital Production


    Holly Cerelli


    Journalism/ Documentary Television

    3 credits