Attendance Policy



    Fanny Meyer Hillers School

    56 Longview Avenue

    Hackensack, New Jersey 07601


    Fax) 201-646-0114


    Joy Dorsey Whiting                                                                                                       Judy Soto-Holland

             Principal                                                                                                                 Assistant Principal


    Dear Parent/Guardian:


    We would like to inform you about the NJ State requirements (N.J.S.A. 18A:38-7) currently in effect regarding pupil absenteeism and tardiness.  It is important that you read the attached document carefully so that you understand the regulations that all public schools are required to follow.


    All students must conform to these regulations.  It is, therefore, the responsibility of the parent/guardian to ensure that his/her child(ren) attend(s) school every day and arrive on time.  When a child is excessively absent or late, it is considered truancy, which is against state law.  If there are circumstances that are considered excused, then you must provide a letter to your child(ren)’s teacher.  The following is a summary of the regulations:


    ü  If a student has been absent/late (4) times, you will

    receive a letter with an action plan and a call from school.


    ü  If a student has been absent/late between (5) and (9) times,

    you will receive a letter, including a revised action plan,

    and you will be referred to the appropriate community agency.


    ü  If a student is absent/late (10) or more times, he/she will be

    considered truant pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:38-7.  You will be

    notified and a mandatory referral will be made to the Youth

    Division of the Hackensack Police Department.


                In September, you received and signed the Hackensack School District’s Code of Conduct, a copy of which is in our school’s main office for your convenience.  As a parent/guardian, we ask for your assistance to make sure that your child(ren) is/are present and on time for school each and every day.  We urge you to support us with our goal to instill these important behaviors in all of our children.  If you have any questions or concerns, please call me at the phone number listed above.  We look forward to working with you and thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation.







    Kathryn Padovano                                                                                                                Dave Petrella

    Principal                                                                                                                            Assistant Principal





    Current NJ administrative code (N.J.S.A. 18A:38-7) requires that the District have policies/procedures that address student attendance problems in a new and very concrete fashion.  The policies and procedures must include that:


    *For up to four cumulative unexcused absences, the District shall:


    (1)               Make a reasonable attempt to notify the student’s parents of each unexcused absence prior to the start of the following school day;


    (2)               Conduct an investigation of the  cause of each unexcused absence, including contact with the student’s parents;


    (3)               Develop an  action plan, in consultation with the student’s parents, designed to address patterns of unexcused absences, if any, and to have the child return to school and maintain regular attendance;


    (4)               If child abuse and neglect is suspected, take appropriate action in accordance with State statute and regulations


     (5)      Cooperate with law enforcement and other authorities and agencies, as appropriate.


    • For between five and nine cumulative unexcused absences, the District shall comply with (1), (2), (3) and above plus:


    (1)         Evaluate the appropriateness of action plan;


    (a)                Revise the action plan, as needed, to identify patterns of unexcused absences  and establish outcomes based upon the student’s needs, and specify the interventions for achieving the outcomes, supporting the student’s return to school and regular attendance that may include any or all of the following:


    (b)               Refer or consult with the school’s intervention and referral services team;

    (c)                Conduct testing, assessments or evaluations of the student’s academic, behavioral and health needs;

    (d)               Consider an alternate educational placement;

    (e)                Make a referral to a community based social and health provider agency or other community resource;

    (f)                Refer to the court program designated by the New Jersey Administrative Office of the Courts; and

    (g)               If child abuse and neglect is suspected, take appropriate action in accordance with State statute and regulations.

    (h)               Cooperate with law enforcement, other authorities and agencies.


    *For cumulative unexcused absences of 10 or more, the student is truant pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:38-7 and District shall:


    (1)               Make a mandatory referral to the court program required by the New Jersey Administrative Office of the Courts;

    (2)               Make a reasonable attempt to notify the student’s parents of the mandatory referral;

    (3)               Continue to consult with the parent and the involved agencies to support the student’s return to school;

    (4)               Cooperate with law enforcement, other authorities and agencies.


    For students with disabilities,  the attendance plan, punitive and remedial procedures contained therein, must be applied in accordance with the student’s IEP, 504 Plan, individual health care plan and procedural safeguards contained in State’s special education regulations at N.J.A.C. 6A:14.1. (For example, if you have a student with school phobia or chronic fatigue syndrome, you will likely not be applying these rules.)


    In the case of a student who attends a receiving school with five or more cumulative unexcused absences, the absences shall be reported to the sending district.  The sending district is required to proceed in accordance with its attendance policies and procedures pursuant to these revised regulations.  (When you send out your form contracts and other contracts with unapproved schools, please make sure to advise the school of this new requirement.)




    Estimados Padres/Tutores:


                Esta carta es para informarles de los nuevos requisitos del Estado de Nueva Jersey (N.J.S.A. 18A:38-7) que corrientemente están en efecto respecto a las ausencias y tardanzas estudiantiles.  Es muy importante que ustedes lean el documento adjunto cuidadosamente para que comprendan mejor los nuevos reglamentos que todas las escuelas públicas tienen que obedecer.

                Efectivo hoy, todos los estudiantes tienen que cumplir con estos reglamentos.  Es, entonces, la responsabilidad de los padres o tutores legales de asegurar que su hijo(a) llegue a la escuela a tiempo y asista a la escuela.  Cuando un niño(a) está excesivamente ausente o tarde, se considerará "ausente sin licencia" y esto es contra la ley.  Si hay circunstancias que se consideran "excusables", entonces ustedes tiene que proveerle una carta/nota al maestro(a).  Lo siguiente es un repaso de las reglas que están puestas en la oficina central de la escuela:


    • Ustedes recibirán una carta con  "un plan de acción" y una llamada telefónica de la escuela si su hijo(a) tiene hasta cuatro (4) ausencias/tardanza cumulativas inexcusables.
    • De cinco (5) a nueve (9) ausencias/tardanzas inexcusables ustedes recibirán una carta incluyendo un plan de acción revisado y se hará una referencia a la agencia de la comunidad apropiada.
    • Para diez (10) ó más ausencias inexcusables su hijo(a) será considerado(a) "ausente sin licencia" de acuerdo con la N.J.S.A. 18A:38-7.  Ustedes serán notificados y haremos una referencia obligatoria al Departamento de la Policía, División Juvenil.


    En septiembre, ustedes recibieron y firmaron el Código de Conducto para Hillers.  Noten, por favor, que nuestra copia revisada del Código de Conducta estará disponible para ustedes en la oficina central.  Como padres o tutores, les pedimos su ayuda  para asegurar que su hijo(a) esté en la escuela todos los días y llegue a tiempo a la escuela.  Les rogamos que nos apoyen a lograr nuestra meta de cultivar estos buenos hábitos en todos nuestros jóvenes.  Por favor, no dejen de llamarnos si tienen cualquier pregunta o preocupación.  Anticipamos colaborar con ustedes y agradecemos su apoyo y cooperación.





    Kathryn Padovano                                                                                   



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