Health and Physical Education

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    Physical Education 5th-8th Grades

    There was a new activity added to physical education called "Hoops -4-Heart." This involved our students teaming up with the American Heart Association to raise money for and awareness of those with heart conditions. Students learned that by exercising and eating healthy, their hearts will work better and by spreading this information to others, it could possibly save lives. After collecting donations for 2 weeks, students play in a 3-on-3 basketball tournament during physical education class.


     HMS Physical Education Department
    Jill Flaim:
    Jimmy LaRose:
    Kenny McKaba:
    Sarah Phillips:

    Dan Reddan:

    Joe Urban:

    Veronica Alverez:




    1. Attendance is taken and checked daily.
    2. Students who are excused from participating in P.E. for one week or more will be assigned to another activity or class.


    1. T-shirts/sweatshirts, shorts/sweatpants and sneakers with sweat socks must be worn in all physical education classes.
    2. Lack of appropriate dress will result in a student receiving no credit for that day’s activity. (Un prepared)
    3. If a student is unprepared for two days or more in one marking period, their grade will be affected.

    Class Time

    1. Students must be out of the locker room in uniform 5 minutes after the late bell.
    2. Line up for attendance and calisthenics as instructed by the teacher.
    3. The activity/sport for that day will be introduced.
    4. Dressing time at the end of the period will be 5 minutes.


    1. A locker will be issued to each student.
    2. Students will keep the same locker one year.
    3. Only students will be given the combination.


    1. Report any accident to the teacher.
    2. The teacher will send or bring students to the nurse when needed or at the student’s request.


    1. To get a medical excuse from P.E., bring a note from home or the Doctor to the nurse during morning homeroom period.
    2. When arriving at your P.E. class, present your excuse to the teacher.

    Glasses/Contact Lenses

    1. Glass guards must be worn unless a parent signs an excuse form. Forms may be secured from the Physical Education teachers.
    2. All signed forms must be returned to your assigned P.E. teacher.

    General Information

    1. Eating food, drinking beverages and chewing gum/candy  is not allowed in the locker room or the Gymnasium.

    2.       Horseplay in the locker room or gymnasium will not be permitted.

    Physical Education Activities

    A variety of Physical Education Activities will be taking place during the school year.  Just some of the activities that will be taking place during the school year are:

    Flag Football/Ultimate Frisbee
    Indoor Floor Hockey/Pillo Polo
    Soccer/Speedball (Indoor and outdoor)
    Presidents Physical Fitness Testing
    Lacrosse/Track & Field
    Cooperative Games


    Physical Education Department Grading Scale


    Unprepared/Zero Behavior/Zero Part                Grade

        0                       =                                                 A+  97-100


    1                        =                                                A    90-96


    2                        =                                                B+  87-89


    3                        =                                                B   80-86


    4                         =                                              C+  77-79


    5                        =                                                C   70-76


    6                        =                                                D   65-69


                                          7                         =                                               F  <64

    Physical Education Make-up Sessions
    STARTING DATE FOR 2013-2014 SCHOOL YEAR = October 8, 2013
     PE make-up sessions are available for all students grades 5-8 who have been unprepared for class. The sessions begin at 7:45 AM. Students must be dressed or can get dressed in PE attire for these sessions. The sessions will only take place on Tue., Wed., and Thur. mornings. Please speak with your teacher to attend! Zeros received for behavior issues can not be made up.





    NUTRITIONFood choices, nutrients, healthy meal planning, analyzing food labels, benefits and risks of eating habits, etc.


    BICYCLE & FIRE SAFETY- Practicing of safe lifelong skills, value of smoke detectors & maintenance, plan details and escape routes for fire safety, proper helmet use, traffic safety, riding techniques, weather conditions


    SAFETY - FIRST AIDBasic first aid steps for choking, bleeding and treatment of burns


    FAMILY LIFE & CHARACTER DEVELOPMENTComponents of wellness, healthy choices, self-control, resolving conflicts, etc.


    PERSONAL CARE & HYGIENEAppropriate use of personal hygiene products, protection and maintenance of the health of teeth, skin, hair and nails, health of eyes and ears, consumer decisions


    SEXUALITY – PUBERTY Physical, social, emotional and intellectual changes, specific changes for males and females