Room 208N - Ms. Carucci

  • Welcome to 5th Grade Mathematics with Ms. Carucci


    This website is designed to keep you up-to-date during the school year.


    Make sure you and your parents check it daily so that you know what is going on in class and in school.


    5th Grade ATTENTION!!!!

    Please take the PARCC Practice Test on a computer and practice using the technology and adapt to the state of New Jersey's new version of standardized testing.  No More NJASK!!!!!!

    Type in this link into a web browser, click Grade 5, and begin the test!!!!!  Good Luck!!!



    Please use the links on the left to navigate through the website.

    You may contact me at


     **All Math supplies are due by Monday, September 12th**

    If you have any questions or concerns, my door is always open!


    Ms. D. Carucci

    5th Grade Math

    Hackensack Middle School (5/6 Wing)