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Language Arts - Syllabus
5th Grade Language Arts
Ms. Peralta
Room 223N
To build a community of readers and writers
To grow into independent, life-long readers and writers
To provide meaningful reading and writing experiences
To encourage choices based on personal interests
To have meaningful conversations about reading and writing
To become more fluent readers in order to deepen comprehension
To add length and detail to our writing
Practice test-taking strategies
Journeys textbook
Various non fiction selections (short texts, newspaper/magazine articles, etc.)
1 notebook, 1 folder, a pack of post-its, and a pen/pencil. For more information on school supplies please click on the "School Supplies" link on my web page.
You should come to my class prepared with all necessary supplies and their HW that was completed the night before.
What you can expect from me:
1. I will treat you with respect.
2. I will offer you encouragement.
4. I will challenge you to think.
5. I will be fair.
6. I will teach you how to be self reliant and an independent learner.
7. I will show you how to bring out your best self.
8. I will listen to your thoughts, needs, and concerns.
What I expect from you:
1. Come to class prepared and ready to work.
2. Bring your best effort with you every day!
3. Be responsible for your own learning.
4. Listen and respect what others have to say - you may learn something new J
5. Put forth your best self.
6. Share your thoughts, needs, and concerns.
Reading materials may consist of texts such as short stories, novels, articles, plays, and poems. Reading material will be used to introduce students to different genres and to teach and apply reading strategies, critical thinking/analysis skills, and argumentation.
You should be reading for at least 30 minutes at home every night.
Vocabulary exercises and/or quizzes will be given in accordance with the reading material assigned at the time. Additional vocabulary work will assigned weekly.
Instruction, homework, and quizzes assessing students’ understanding of grammatical concepts will be given with each unit of study.
Writing pieces may include but are not limited to: narrative stories, essay writing, along with open-ended responses.
Your Language Arts grade is comprised of the following components:
Reading .................................. 25%
Writing ................................. 25%
Spelling/Grammar ..................... 20%
Participation/Readiness/Work Ethic ... 20%
Homework ................................10%
Grading Scale
A+ 100-97 V++ = 100
A 96-90 V+ = 90
B+ 89-87 V = 80
B+ 89-87 V - = 60
B 86-80
C+ 79-77
C 76-70
D 69-66
F 65 and below
Homework is given when necessary to reinforce what is learned in class, to complete work that was not finished during class time, to simply practice a skill or concept, or to preview material that will be taught in class.
You will not necessarily have written homework every night. However, you are expected to read for at least 30 minutes every night (including weekends and holiday breaks) I usually do not assign written homework on the weekends unless there is a long-range project that you are working on and you need the extra time to complete it or if class work is not completed.
Some homework is graded and other assignments are simply recorded as “complete” or “incomplete”.
For more information please click on the “HW/Projects Policies” link on my web page.
* ALL homework and projects will be posted on my website by the end of the school day and given in class for you to copy into your planner.
* Due dates for all assignments (homework and projects) will be posted on the HOMEWORK page of my website.
* Homework and projects are due on the date assigned.
* If you are ABSENT from school you will have one day for every day you are absent to complete and hand in the assignments.
* You be notified periodically throughout the marking period in writing via a "Missing Work Report". Any missing work on this report will be due at the end of the week the report is handed out. Example: You get the report on a Monday - missing work is due to me by that Friday.
* Of course, any and all work that is handed in late will receive a lesser grade than if it was handed in on time.
Honesty in the completion of homework, tests, quizzes, and papers is expected at all times. Cheating on tests or quizzes, copying homework, and/or plagiarism of papers will result in an automatic “F” on the assignment and severe disciplinary action will be taken against the student as per the student handbook. The rules against plagiarism will be discussed at length before any paper/project/research assignment is due.
I have read and understand the guidelines and grading policies stated in the above syllabus.
Student Name
Student Signature
Parent Signature