Student Illness Guidelines

  • The following is a list of indicators to assist you in knowing when to keep your child home from school:

     Vomiting within the last 24 hours.

    Diarrhea within the last 24 hours.

    Temperature of 100 degrees or higher within the last 24 hours.  (Child may return to school when "fever free" WITHOUT taking anti-fever medication for 24 hours)

    Strep Infection is suspected, i.e. results of a throat culture have not been received.

    Positive throat culture for Strep Throat.  (Child must be on antibiotics for a full 24 hours before returning to school.)

    Any symptoms of acute illness such as persistent cough, runny nose with body aches.

    Your child should look and behave like him/herself for 24-48 hours before returning to school!


    Please....promote handwashing in the family.  Handwashing is the most effective means of preventing the spread of communicable diseases!!


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