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7th Grade Home Page
Welcome to the 2015-2016 School Year!!!!
Welcome to Seventh Grade Science!
-Mr. Di Meola
The seventh grade science curriculum emphasizes the discovery aspects of Life science by promoting hands-on experimenting, careful observing of demonstrations, and the integrating of information about life Science. Our resources and textbooks vary with the subject matter and include the following:
- Exploring Life Science, Prentice Hall, (1998)
- Research Journals, Content Articles, and the Internet, as appropriate
Supplies: Students must be prepared for class each day by having their science books, notebooks, pens, and pencils. Calculators are helpful at times, but not necessary. Colored pencils are frequently used, so if your child would rather not share the classroom set, he or she might like to bring his or her own.
Grading: Tests and projects………………………...………………….35%
Classwork (lab work, group activities, class participation,)….....30%
Homework: Expect homework approximately three to four times a week. It should be done neatly and accurately, and handed in on time. I will only accept late work if it is accompanied by a note from you. Of course, late work will be accepted if it was late due to absence. Please check School World atwww.hackensackschools.org if you want to check on the assignments.
Rules: I enforce all school rules (no gum chewing, no wearing of hats, coats, gloves, etc. in the building, and no electronic devices). I expect students to be on time to class, raise their hands to speak, and be respectful to classmates and staff members.
My personal goals are to prepare your children for their high school science courses, help them become independent thinkers and problem solvers.In addition, I hope to instill a love of learning that will stay with them throughout their lives.
I look forward to working with your child and you!