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Resources For Success
Welcome to Mrs. Darling 5th Grade Math Class
Welcome to a new school year. In this letter you will find all of the necessary tools and important information that will be needed in order to have a successful school year. Please read over every section carefully. At the end, please sign stating that you have read and understand the information given in this letter and return it to school tomorrow. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
The following is a list of supplies for 5th grade math. Everything on this list is a necessity for school use. You are expected to have these supplies along with your Go Math workbook with you in class every day.
Grade 5 Go Math Supplies:
1 subject notebook or 1 marble composition notebook
Pencils with erasers (you must have at least 2 in class)
Extra erasers
Hand Sharpener with cap
2 Two-pocket folders
Homework is usually assigned Monday through Friday and is checked on a daily basis. You are expected to complete all homework assignments in a careful manner and to the best of your ability.
Work should be shown for your homework problems. Credit will not be given if only answers are shown! Homework that is not completed will have a three day grace period to be completed and will receive a partial grade. If the assignment is incomplete as a result of an illness, you may submit the assignment the following day with a doctor’s note to receive full credit.
You are expected to make-up all homework that is missed due to absences and/or extra-curricular activities. It is your responsibility to make sure that your homework assignments are up to date.
Parents, please check in Genesis to make sure all homework assignments are handed in. If a missed assignment is not turned in during the three day grace period, the assignment will stay missing and cannot be made up!
Grading Policy
Grading Components
There are five components that determine your math grade. They are listed below in order of importance with their percentage of the total grade.
Test = 35%
Quiz = 25%
Class work = 15%
Participation = 15%
Homework = 10%
Grading Scale
The marking period grade is a percentage that will be converted into a letter grade based on the following grade scale:
A+ 97% - 100% A 90% - 96%
B+ 87% - 89% B 80% - 86%
C+ 77% - 79% C 70% - 76%
D 65% - 69% F below 65%
Extra Credit
There are no extra assignments/projects that will be given individually to help raise grades. There are no exceptions to this rule! If you are having difficulty with any topics that are being covered, you should seek extra help not extra credit. I am available for extra help during the first half of lunch. I will provide 1 extra credit assignment to the entire class
School-Home Connection
Communication between home and school is a big part of student success. It is important that we have different ways and different tools to use to keep the lines of communication open throughout the school year. Below you will find everything you need for this school year.
Parents, our school uses a grading program called Genesis. The program is a great tool to keep you abreast of your child’s academic progress. I encourage you to create an account so you are up to date on your child’s math progress in my class as well as their other classes. You can contact the main office to set up an account.
My Webpage
Please visit my webpage in order to view information regarding upcoming events, daily homework assignments, and important information. I encourage you to visit often to keep up with what is going on here at the Middle School and in the classroom.
- Go to www.hackensackschools.org
- Click on the link on the left side of the
page “teacher websites.”
- A search box will come
up. Type in my name “Darling” and
hit “search”
- My name will pop up. Click on my name. This will direct you
to my webpage.
- At the left of your screen
you will see a navigation bar. You
can view homework and a calendar from this location.
Parents, sometimes having all the tools above are just not enough. I welcome you to e-mail me whenever necessary at d.darling@hackensackschools.org Please provide me with an email address that you check regularly so that we may be “GREEN”. The best way to do this is by sending me an e-mail with your child’s name in the subject line. This way I will have a direct way to contact you from my classroom and you and I can stay connected. If you don’t have an e-mail or need anything else, I can always be reached by contacting the school.
- Go to www.hackensackschools.org