Science Syllabus

  • The 5th grade curriculum features 4 Units of Study for the school year. The program the Hackensack District has adopted is the FOSS Full Option Science System.



    The Landforms module consists of five investigations that introduce students to these fundamental concepts in earth science: change takes place when things interact; all things change over time; patterns of interaction and change are useful in explaining landforms. Students also learn about some of the tools and techniques used by cartographers and use them to depict landforms.



    The Solar Energy module consists of four investigations that allow students to experience solar energy firsthand and to investigate the variables that affect solar-energy transfer. 



    The Moon module consists of three sequential investigations, each designed to introduce students to objects we see in the sky. Through outdoor observations made during the day and at night, active simulations, readings, videos, and discussions, students study the Sun, Moon, and stars to learn that these objects move in regular and predictable patterns that can be observed, recorded, and analyzed.



    The four investigations in the Models and Designs module provide experiences that develop the concept of a scientific model and engage students in design and construction. The atmosphere generated by this module is one of open discussion, free exchange of ideas, and development of ideas into products.                                                           


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