Summer Reading Assignment 2016- 2017 for Incoming 8th grade


    Hackensack Middle School

    Grade 8 Language Arts

    Summer Reading Assignment 2016- 2017


    June 2016

    Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians,

    Summer is here! Everyone is making plans for vacation, summer camps, and quality time spent with family. Now is the time to make a plan for reading.  This summer, all students will complete a summer reading assignment.

    I cannot tell you how important reading has been to your child this year! Studies have shown that the best way to make progress in reading is to READ!!! Reading independently has been shown to directly relate to growth in:

    • -      Vocabulary
    • -      Reading comprehension
    • -      Verbal fluency
    • -      General information

    I am asking that your student do the following over the summer:

    -         Read at least one good chapter book this summer!

    -         Write a short report about the book.

    (Use the organizer on the next page to help you write a good report)

    -         Turn in the assignment when we return to school. Assignments will be due on Friday, September 9th, to be counted as the first test grade of the marking period.

    Students: Choose a novel that is on your reading level. Please take note of the lexile levels when choosing your book- using your last SRI score, try to find a close match.  If you are uncertain of a book’s lexile score, you can visit to get the score.

    Thank you for supporting your student’s education through the summer reading program.

    Have a great summer!!


    Ms. Vallese :-)

    PS - For those students who would prefer to do the summer assignment for the larger incoming 8th grade classes, I am enclosing it as an attachment. Remember, you only need to do one assignment. The one I offer might be a little easier, but it's up to you and your student.


    Summer Reading Assignment

    Due: Friday, September 9, 2016


    Book ReportThis report should be typed or written in your best handwriting. It should be neat. This will be your first grade of the marking period.


    Cover: Name of Book

                 Author of Book

                  Number of pages

                 Illustration (Picture)

    In the bottom right corner: Your name


    First paragraph:

    -         Who is the book about? Who were the main characters? Describe. (What were they like?)


    Second paragraph:

    -         Where and when did the story take place? (setting) Give details.

    -         Did the setting change in the book?


    Third paragraph: (This will be the longest paragraph)

    -         What was the story about? Give a summary of the story from the beginning, middle, and end. Be sure to include the main problem of the story, and how it was resolved.


    Fourth paragraph: This is your opinion.

    -         Did the story end the way you thought it would or did it surprise you?

    -         Did you like the book? What part in particular did you like?

    -         Would you recommend it to your friends? Explain.




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