G&T Supply List

  • Gifted and Talented students should acquire for the 2016 - 17 School Year:

    • An open and curious mind.  One with an advanced cerebral cortex and fully-functioning frontal lobes. (alliteration!)
    • A journal or notebook specifically designated for GnT.  No Justin Bieber.  No boy bands.  Pink Floyd, Rush, Led Zeppelin, and Van Halen are all much cooler.   
    • The ability to entertain a thought without accepting it.
    • A Henrik Wigstrom Feberge Egg.
    • A writing utensil.  The choice is yours.  Please no pink or hot pink.
    • A note from any other sixth grade teacher (Especially Ms. Mattei) complementing Mr. Lamber on how cool his sneakers always are.
    • A rock.  Roughly the size of your fist.  One that you could paint and glue.  One that you would enjoy... talking to.
    • The ability to braid.  Boys... you better have a girl teach you.
    • Dry erase marker/s.  Your choice of color.
    • Corks... Lots of corks!