On Level Math Class Information

  • 6th Grade Math Outline

    Mr. Arrabito – Room 223


    This is a guideline for Mr. Arrabito’s 6th grade math classes.  Here you will find an outline of the supplies, daily procedures, grading policy, and homework expectations for this class.  The supply list consists of the materials students need for class.  The daily procedure section explains how the class is conducted and what is expected of students in class.  The grading policy shows the different grading components and the grading scale for this class.  The homework section describes homework expectations and explains the difference between graded homework assignments and daily homework assignments.  The fact that a whole section is devoted to homework shows the importance of homework in 6th grade Math.  Anything that is not mentioned in this outline will be regulated at Mr. Arrabito’s discretion.


    Daily Procedures


    Students should be prepared for class on a daily basis with the materials on the supply list and their Mathematics textbook.  Upon entering the room, students should sharpen pencils, copy down their homework in their student planner, have out the homework from the previous night, and begin working on the starting activity which will be posted.  On the day of a quiz or test, there is to be no talking and students need to take out a pencil and a book to read once they are finished.  Throughout the period, it is imperative for students to follow directions and pay attention in order to have a productive class period. 



    Grading Policy


    Grading Components


    There are five components that determine the Math grade:  tests, quizzes, graded homework/ class work, daily homework, and class participation. They are listed below in order of importance with their percentage of the total grade.


    Tests                                                    35%

    Quizzes                                                25%

    Graded Homework/Class work            15%

    Daily Homework                                  10%

    Class Participation                                 15%


    Grading Scale


    Your Marking Period grade is a percentage that will be converted into a letter grade based on the following Grade Scale.


    A+       97% - 100%                 A         90% - 96%

    B+       87% - 89%                   B          80% - 86%

    C+        77% -  79%               C          70% -  76%
    D         65% - 69%                 F           below 65%





    Homework Expectations


    Homework is given every Monday through Thursday and sometimes on Fridays.  If the homework is sufficiently done with all their work, then the student earns a check.  If the homework is partially done or there is no work shown, then the student earns a check minus.  The homework will be written on the board and posted on my website, so there is no reason why a student shouldn’t know what the homework is that night.  If a student is absent, the homework assignment is put in a bin, which they will pick up upon their return.  There are very few exceptions to these rules.  All homework assignments should be completed when they are due!  Please see the homework policy in regards to missed assignments.


    Graded Homework  vs.  Daily Homework


    There are two different types of homework assignments:  daily homework and graded homework assignments.  Graded homework assignments are graded and worth the equivalence of about half a quiz grade.  This makes graded homework very important and it shouldn’t be taken lightly.  Daily homework assignments consist of all the other homework assignments that are not graded.  They add up to 10% of a student’s grade, so students shouldn’t take this type of homework lightly either!