- Middle School
- Language Arts Daily Agenda
Language Arts Daily Agenda
Attention Parents/Guardians: Students NEED to bring their planners to class to ensure that they are writing down their homework and completing their homework at home.April 29, 2016Please be sure to read Chapter 6 of The Giver. You will need to use this information for class next week.April 28, 2016
Please read Chapter 5 of The Giver. We will resume our discussion of the novel in the upcoming classes. I would not be surprised if there was a pop quiz on the chapter tomorrow...April 27, 2016
Please be sure to finish your essay in Google Classroom. You should have an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Refer to your notes from class regarding what goes in each part of your essay. Remember what we discussed today in class as well.April 26, 2016
Today we discussed boy paragraphs and what to include. Be mindful of the RACES method as it will assist you in writing your body paragraphs. RACES stands for:
R - restate
A - answer the question
C - cite the evidence
E - explain the evidence and how it relates to your answer
S - sum up your point to transition to the next topic
Your homework for the evening should be to finish your body paragraphs. You should have TWO (2) or THREE (3) body paragraphs depending upon how you structure your essay. This should be typed. Please come see me before school and/or during lunch to ensure your essay is typed before class tomorrow.April 26, 2016
Just a reminder that your introduction should be TYPED in the assignment listed "LAT: Boy's Life and Emancipation" BEFORE class today. If it is not there before 6th period, unless otherwise discussed, you will not receive full credit.April 25, 2016
Please type up the introduction for the LAT: Boy's Life and Emancipation in the assignment below. Please be sure to include the following:
1. Literary Element of Discussion
2. Text titles and authors
3. Brief summary in relation to literary element
4. Thesis statement
Please come see me before school or during lunch to complete the assignment.April 20, 2016
Please read and analyze the lyrics to "Imagine" by John Lennon. Would you consider the world that is being described in this song a utopian society or a dystopian society? Why?
Please write a one paragraph response to the above question. Be sure to include a topic sentence, evidence from the text to support your claim, and detailed explanation to justify your position. Attached is a copy of the lyrics for your convenience.April 19, 2015
Today we discussed the difference between a utopia and dystopia. Based on your knowledge of both words, research different movies and/or television shows that are considered utopian or dystopian.
TO HAND IN: Select ONE example of a utopia. In a paragraph, briefly describe the movie or television show and explain what makes it a utopia. Then, select ONE example of a dystopia. In a paragraph, briefly describe the movie or television show and explain what makes it a dystopia.
By the time you are finished you should have two complete paragraphs that describe the utopia and dystopia of your choice. Feel free to type up your responses, but be sure to print it out BEFORE coming to class.
If you need any help, please come see me before school or during lunch.April 18, 2016
In class today we discussed the concept of a utopia - an imagined place or state of thing in which everything is perfect.
Based on our discussion from today's class as well as your knowledge and any research you may conduct, please complete the following task: Think about your "perfect place" or utopia. What would it include? In 2 paragraphs, please describe your utopia as it pertains to education, government, employment, and family. What would the structure of each look like?
You may type this, but it is not required. However, if your writing is illegible, it will not receive credit. If you have any questions, please feel free to come see me.April 8, 2016
Please look over your grade print out. Complete any missing assignments that you have for the class.
Please read Chapter 3 and 4 of The Giver. When you are finished, answer the attached questions using complete sentences and evidence from the text. When you are finished, go outside and play!
If you have any questions, feel free to send me an e-mail.April 6, 2016
Please read Chapter 2 of The Giver. Pay close attention to the details in the story as it will help you with your homework. When you are finished, please answer Chapter 2 questions. If you misplaced your questions, there is an extra copy of it for you here.
If you have any questions, please feel free to seem me before school, during lunch, or after school.April 5, 2016
Today in class we did some reflecting on writing completed over the course of the school year. Using that information as well as information from your portfolios, complete the attached reflection form. Note that at the end you must write three goals for yourself:
1. A reading goal - What would you like to accomplish in terms of your reading? Would you like to do more reading? Work on vocabulary? Comprehension?
2. A writing goal - What aspects of your writing need improving? Should you work on incorporating details into your writing? Do you need to work on making your writing more clear?
3. A personal goal - This goal should be something that you personally would like to achieve that is not academic related. Maybe you are always late to class. Perhaps you come to class unprepared. Maybe you need to hand in your homework on time or increase the amount of study time.
I will be collecting this reflection sheet tomorrow and reviewing your goals for the 4th marking period. Please take this assignment seriously as it will directly assist you in achieving academic success in the 4th marking period.April 4, 2016
Today we discussed euphemisms. Please look at your notes and complete the worksheet given out in class. You should write down the meaning of the euphemistic phrase. When you are done, come up with 4 sentences of your own using euphemisms. Be sure to underline the euphemistic phrase in the original sentence you create.
If you lost your worksheet, please find an attached copy here.April 1, 2016
Please read Chapter 1 of The Giver. Each student should have a book. When you are finished, please answer Chapter 1 questions provided to you in class. If you did not get a copy, please find attached a copy of the questions.
This will be your first homework grade for the 4th marking period. Please be mindful of that and complete the assignment on time.March 30, 2016
Select ONE word from the list below. Write TWO essential questions. Make sure it follows the THREE criteria outlined in class today. The list of words are as follows:
Step 1: Pick ONE word from this list. It should be different from the word you used in class today
- Abandonment
- Poverty
- Neglect
- Childhood
- Self-sufficient
- Innocence
- Retaliation
- Hunger
- Family
- Freedom
- Independence
Step 2 : Write TWO essential questions using the word selected from above.
-Using key words such as how, what impact, what effect/affect, why, if
-Use words that are familiar/easy for most to understand
-An essential question is NOT a question that can be answered with a yes or no
-It is NOT a question that can be answered in one sentence
Step 3: Make sure it follows the following criteria
1. Is it a question that requires a detailed response?
2. Is there a "right" answer?
3. Does it generate discussion including new questions?March 29, 2016
Please read an annotate the text "The Rights to the Streets of Memphis" by Richard Wright. Please be sure that you have annotated the text in its entirety. When you are done, write down THREE words that describe major themes/ideas included in the text.March 23, 2016
Today students began to explore different narrative writing prompts. Students were instructed to read the text "After Twenty Years" by O'Henry. When students were finished, they read the third writing prompt.
Using the text as well as your knowledge of narrative writing, create a timeline to assist you in answering the question. Your timeline should include at least five plot points. You will use this during class this week.
If you need help, please come see me before school or during lunch.March 22, 2016
Today students began to explore different narrative writing prompts. Students were instructed to read the text "After Twenty Years" by O'Henry. When students were finished, they read the second writing prompt.
Using the text as well as your knowledge of narrative writing, create a story map to assist you in answering the question. Your story map should include a beginning, middle, and an end as well as a setting and characters. You will use this during class this week.
DUE TOMORROW - STORY MAP for PROMPT #2 (Do not worry about the other prompts.)
If you need help, please come see me before school or during lunch.March 21, 2016
Today students began to explore different narrative writing prompts. Students were instructed to read the text "After Twenty Years" by O'Henry. When students were finished, they read the first writing prompt which stated the following:
Write a narrative in which you continue the story of “After Twenty Years.” Your narrative should be a believable continuation of the events, and it should clearly reflect the characterization and setting in the passage.
Using the text as well as your knowledge of narrative writing, create a story web to assist you in answering the question. (Think of the example we completed using "Clever Gretel" from a few weeks ago.) Your story map's center circle should say "Bob reads the letter from Jimmy." The remaining circles in your story map should include three different plot scenarios and details to help you write a story. You will use this during class this week.
DUE TOMORROW - STORY MAP for PROMPT #1 (Do not worry about the other prompts.)March 16, 2016
Look over your essay one final time. Use the checklist for reference to assist you in revising your essay. Once you are finished, make sure your essay is:
1. Double spaced
2. 11 or 12 pt. font
3. Calibri or Times New Roman
Once you are done, use the attached rubric to self grade your essay. Please make sure your essay is printed BEFORE you come into class. Hand a printed copy in tomorrow along with the rubric as well.March 15, 2016
Today in class we discussed the "dos and donts" of writing a conclusion. Use what you have learned over the course of the last week or so to write a final conclusion for your essay. Your final essay will be due by the end of the day on Wednesday.March 14, 2016
Use your knowledge of counter arguments as well as what was discussed in class today to continue working on your body paragraphs and infusing the counter argument throughout. Make sure that your writing is clear and well explained using evidence from the text. By tomorrow your introduction and body paragraphs should be complete.March 11, 2016
Please use your "Track My Thinking" worksheet, outline, and documents to complete your introduction and three body paragraphs in the assignment posted below. Keep in mind the "sandwich" method we discussed in class.
A. A Topic Sentence (what this paragraph will discuss, your reason)
B. Introduce the evidence
C. Evidence from the text (cited accurately)
D. Explanation/Analysis of evidence: How does it prove your thesis?
E. Closing sentence (wrap up the paragraph to effectively transition to the next paragraph)
Repeat items B through E again for your second piece of evidence using a transition word.
If you need help, please come see me in the morning, during your lunch, and/or after school. Also feel free to send me an e-mail over the weekend if you need any help.March 10, 2016
In class today we worked on perfecting our thesis statements. Here are a few examples:
Example 1: Though there are many ways to try and stop bullying and cyberbullying such as having parents check their children’s social network and installing safety software on computers, the best solution is having an anonymous e-mail for people to report bullying.
Example 2: Although some people believe that bullying and cyberbullying can be stopped by installing monitor programs or asking for student access to their social media accounts, making an anonymous e-mail is the best way to prevent both bullying and cyberbullying.
Each of these examples include three points of discussion which examine how bullying and/or cyberbullying can be stopped.
For homework, use your thesis statement to outline pieces of evidence to help support your response. It is important that you have already read the documents in order to select which suggestions FROM THE DOCUMENTS (remember - you are not conducting your own research) help to support this idea.
I've attached the documents and and a copy of tonight's homework for you. If you have any questions, please feel free to come see me.March 8, 2016
Please use the documents from yesterday's class to complete tonight's assignment.
1. Read each document.
2. Select 2-4 pieces of textual evidence to help support your argument.
3. Write these pieces of evidence using the "Track My Thinking" paper. If you need an extra copy, it has been uploaded here for you.
4. When you are finished, please write a few sentences that discusses what each text tells you.
5. Repeat the process with the remaining two texts.
I will be checking that you have this completed tomorrow to ensure that we can move on to the next step. If you need help, please come and see me in the morning or during lunch to complete the task.March 7, 2015
Please read the documents on bullying and cyber-bullying that were distributed in class today. You will need to use these documents tomorrow, so please be sure to bring them with you to class as well.
If you did not complete the multiple choice questions from yesterday, please be sure to do so and hand it in tomorrow.
As always, if you need any extra assistance, feel free to stop by before school, during lunch, and/or after school.March 4, 2016
Please use the following multiple choice strategy to answer question number 14-19 in the attached packet:
1. Jail the detail
2. Be slick and predict
3. Slash the trash
4. Plug it in
Each of your questions should have information boxed, wrong answer choices "slashed" out, and one circled, correct answer choice. If you need any help, please come and see me before school, during lunch, and/or after school.
Enjoy the weekend.March 2, 2016
The end is near!
For homework tonight, please look over your essay using the checklist from class today. Make sure you have an introduction, 3 body paragraphs, a counter argument paragraph, and a conclusion.
Your essay should be turned in PRIOR (before) our class. It should be double spaced, 12pt. size font, and a legible font type. Please refrain from making your font anything illegible. You DO NOT need to print out your essay. Simply "Turn It In."
Should you have any questions, please see me before school, during lunch, or after schoolMarch 1, 2016
Pleas use your documents, "Track My Thinking" worksheet, and Outline to assist you in your homework. Use the information we learned in class today to write your conclusion. The conclusion should include the following:
1. A transition
2. A reworded thesis
3. The main points
4. A final thought
Please be sure to type up your conclusion and PRINT OUT your essay BEFORE tomorrow's class. Tomorrow's class will be dedicated to revising and editing your drafts with a partner. Failure to have your essay printed will prevent you from being able to revise and edit your essay tomorrow.
If you need help, please see me before school, during lunch, and/or after school.February 29, 2016
Pleas use your documents, "Track My Thinking" worksheet, and Outline to assist you in your homework. Use the information we learned in class today to write a one paragraph counter argument. The counter argument should include the following:
1. One sentence that clearly gives the counter argument (opposing view that goes against your thesis)
2. One sentence that offers a concession (you shod that the counter argument has some truth).
3. One sentence that gives your refutation against the counter argument
4. Several supporting details that support your refutation
Please have your counter argument complete and typed in your Google Classroom essay assignment posted a few days ago before you come to class tomorrow. There is no need to print your essay, but it should be complete. The attached document is there for reference.
If you have any questions, please feel free to see me before school, during lunch, or after school.February 25, 2016
Please use your documents, "Track My Thinking" Worksheet, and Outline to complete the introduction and first body paragraph of your essay in Google Classroom. Remember your introduction should include:
A. Restate the prompt
B. Name the Author(s) and Titles using proper punctuation
C. A short summary of your reasons
D. Thesis (a direct answer to the writing prompt)
Your 1st body paragraph should include:
A. A Topic Sentence (what this paragraph will discuss, your reason)
B. Introduce the evidence
1. Who says it? (author, an expert)
2. What is its context? (What idea is the author discussing at this point in their article?)
C. Evidence from the text (cited accurately)
D. Explanation/Analysis of evidence: How does it prove your thesis?
E. Closing sentence (wrap up the paragraph to effectively transition to the next paragraph)
Repeat items B through E again for your second piece of evidence using a transition word.If you need help, please come see me before class on 2/26/2016 in the morning, during your lunch, and/or after school today.February 24, 2016Please use your documents, "Track My Thinking" Worksheet, Outline from yesterday's class and today's worksheet to complete the attached worksheet. When you are finished, please write an introduction using the information. You may write it in Google Drive to transfer over later or you can write it out with paper and pen/pencil.
Please PRINT a copy of your introduction BEFORE class if you choose to use Google Drive.February 18, 2016- Students completed a jeopardy review game in preparation for the Outsiders Final Assessment. Students can access the review game by going to https://jeopardylabs.com/play/the-outsiders-final-assessment-review
Homework: Study for your final assessment tomorrow.February 17, 2016- Students learned how to take notes on a video to complete an RST. Students will use this strategy to complete tonight's homework assignment.
Homework: Complete the Outsiders Review Worksheet. Finish reading the documents from today's class and the "Track My Thinking" worksheet.February 16, 2016- Students began to understand and explore the research simulation task by identifying the three step process to answering an RST question. Students
Copyright © 2025 Finalsite - all rights reserved. - Students completed a jeopardy review game in preparation for the Outsiders Final Assessment. Students can access the review game by going to https://jeopardylabs.com/play/the-outsiders-final-assessment-review