- Middle School
- My Links
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My Links
The list of web links provided below is a good resource for you when doing research for homework assignments, studying or specific class topics. The links are organized by groups for easy reference. Simply click on the link title to go to the website.
Scientific Method/Variables/Science Fairs
Science Buddies
Use this web site to help you find project ideas. The wizard even has a survey that you can fill out to help focus your search!
Weather and Water
Seasons Animation
This a great simulation of the angles of the sun's rays throughout the year. It comes from the astronomy department at the University of Nebraska.
Earth's Interior Processes
The Geological Society
Great info on plate tectonics and the people who lead us to our understanding of plate tectonics today! -
Dynamic Earth Interactive
This web-site is super-useful, fun, and goes very well with our study of Chapter 1, Plate Tectonics. Check it out!