Classroom Curriculum Outline


         Self-Contained Class Curriculum


    A Self-Contained Classroom is a class of a smaller setting in which the students share similar academic requirements.  This type of learning environment is created to help foster enhanced support for children with specific academic needs.  This setting also gives students the opportunity to receive direct and specialized student-centered instruction and positive on-going support in all academic, personal, and social areas. 


                            *7th & 8th Grade Language Arts Program


    This subject focuses on the writing process and writing skills such as grammar, syntax, paragraph/essay structure, library skills, oral communication, research, reading skills, journaling, composition, comprehension, listening skills, study skills. Students are expected to prepare oral, visual, and written reports on reading or researched topics that are appropriate to their reading and comprehension levels. Students are also required to read and understand at least 1 novels during the year as well. 


    Literature & Reading

    Units of study include: poetry, non-fiction, fiction, autobiographies, biographies, print media, vocabulary building, literary terms, myths, legends, short stories, novels, figurative language, and plays.  Students are required to read independently for 15 min in school and at home at least one time a week when assigned.


                                              *Social Studies Program


    Grade 7-8

    Geography provides the tools and methods necessary for students to understand the relationships among people, places, and environments.  This program will provide students with the opportunity to develop understandings about the many connections among the world’s people.  It will provide a core of knowledge about physical and human geography as well as world regions.  Units of study include: different regions of the world, the physical and human features of the earth, and various cultures. Students are required to complete projects throughout the year, as well as heavy journaling.

    Students will also be exposed to two principal topics: Civics and America History.  Civics will teach them about the constitution, law, citizenship, court system, federal, state, and local government.  American History will teach students about the events starting from the founding of the nation to the American Revolution and beyond.  Students are required to complete projects throughout the school year, heavy journaling, as well as a research paper. 

                                                                    *Math Program                                

    Grade 7-8

    The math program will consist of a skills oriented experience.  Emphasis is placed on problem solving skills. Content areas will include:  operations and computations with whole numbers, numeration, order of operations, decimal ratios, fractions, proportions, percents, basic geometric concepts/shapes, area, perimeter, angle relationships, basic statistics (mean, median, mode, frequency and graphs), number relationships, integers, one and/or two step equation solving, and the metric system. Students are required to journal and complete math projects.  Use of a calculator is encouraged, provided, and will be emphasized.

    The students will begin by building upon and practicing and/or mastering the previous grades math curriculum.  Then the program will expand upon initial concepts to include the following: operations and computations with graphing, exponents, geometric concepts, triangles, angles, basic algebraic equations, one and two-step equation solving, measurements, rational and irrational numbers, basics in coordinates and graphs, and statistics and probability.  Students are required to journal and complete math projects.  Use of a calculator is encouraged, provided, and will be emphasized. 

                                                      *Science Program 

    Grade 7-8

    Students will study Life Skills.  Included are units on cells, classification, genetics, evolution, and the environment.  Very minimal lab work is required.  Students will conduct research using all forms of media to prepare a power-point oral presentation on some facet of Life Science that interests them. 

    Students will also focus on Physical Science and Earth Science. Included is an introductory unit on the Scientific Process (method, metrics, the nature of research), astronomy, meteorology, geology, and exploring space and the planet earth.  Very minimal lab work is required.  Students will conduct group research projects using class, library, and electronic materials.


    *All subjects will include appropriate modifications or accommodations for all assignments, as well as differentiated instructional material.  Content is taught using interdisciplinary techniques, materials, and study skills concepts.  Student learning objective are based on IEP goals and objectives, as well as APA testing goals and objectives.




    During the school year, we will use a multitude of techniques to instruct, assess, supplement, differentiate, and increase student understanding and develop lessons that will incorporate Bloom’s Taxonomy (lowest to highest order of thinking), maximize cognitive potential, raise the bar of improvement, and help students establish high academic self-confidence, as well as bridge the gap between learning and having fun learning. These techniques are research-based and historically proved to help students succeed.  The techniques are listed below:

                * Interactive notebooks

                * Pre/Mid/Post informal and/or formal assessments

                * Performance Assessments

                * Universal Design for Learning

                * Assistive Technology

                * Various instructional accommodations

                * Bloom’s Taxonomy

                * Various modifications

                * Differentiated Learning Centers (Color-Coded)

                * Tiered Lessons

                * Cooperative Learning

                * Theory of Multiple Intelligences

                * Graphic Organizers

                * 4 Square Writing Format

                * MMECCA Framework

                * Projects

                * Experiments

                * Literature Circles

                * Journaling

                * APA (Alternative Proficiency Assessment)

                * At home 15-20 minute Reading with/to parent(s)

                * In-class 15-20 minute Independent Reading