Grading Policy

  • Grading Policy

    Your Social Studies grade is made up of the following components:

    Projects and Assessments:  40%

    tests and quizzes, group and individual projects completed in class or at home.

    Classwork:  40%

    work completed during class that supports the daily lesson. 

    Class Participation and Work Ethic:  10%

    working carefully and cooperatively, having a positive attitude, and participating in class discussions. 

    Homework:  10%


    Your Read 180 Language Arts grade is made up of the following components:

    Homework and Reading Logs:  5%

    Do Now/Exit Slip:  5% each (10%)

    Class Participation and Work Ethic:  10%

    Read 180 Software:  25%

    rBook:  25%

    rSkills Test:  15%

    rSkills Summative Test:  10%

    Ms. Maher's and Mr. Turner's Social Studies Websites:

