- Middle School
- Ms Santoro's Home Page
- General Information
General Information
Welcome to 6th Grade
Ms. Santoro
Contact Information: m.santoro@hackensackschool.org
School Office: 201-646-8170
Morning Drop off
Students are sent up to the classroom at 8:12 a.m. at which time they will gather their morning materials at their lockers. Students that arrive after 8:30 on regular school days and 2:00 dismissal days, should enter through the Single Point of Entry Located on Union Street at the main entrance to the Middle School.
A.M. Home Room
Students must be in Home Room by 8:20. As a class we say the pledge and watch the morning announcements on the classroom television. This is a great time for your child to sharpen pencils, organize their belongings for their morning classes, and pick up any notices being sent home from the office.
6th grade dismisses at 2:55 in the afternoon on regular school days.
Students may go to their lockers During a.m. Home Room, BEFORE lunch, and After period 7.
Every student receives a planner. This planner should accompany him/her to every class they attend. Homework must be written down during every class. Please check your child’s planner every night to keep up with what home work should be completed. Please remind your child to put their completed home work in their Homework folder so it can make its way back to school.
12:30 and 2:00 Dismissals
Early dismissal days are listed on the Hackensack School District calendar. Flyers are also sent home through the Office Folders to remind you of upcoming early dismissal days.
Students that arrive after 8:30 on 12:30 dismissal days students should enter through the Single Point of Entry Located on Union Street at the main entrance to the Middle School.
If your child participates in Band or Chorus during my class time they are responsible for making up any work they miss. He/she must come to me before or during lunch to find out what work they missed during class and what homework may be assigned for that day.