Homework Policy

    • Students are expected to complete their homework each night.
      • On occasion homework will be checked for accuracy.  The student will not be told when this will happen since it is the student’s responsibility to make sure that all work is completed each night in a careful manner.  On these occasions the student will receive an actual homework grade.
    • Homework reinforces the concepts learned in class.
    • If absent it is the students responsibility to check the website for missed homework or ask a classmate for information regarding homework that has been assigned.
    • If a student can not complete their homework a parent note is required, homework is expected to be made up by the following class meeting.  
    • If absent a student will be given the number of days they were out to complete and hand in homework.
    • A Missing Assignment Notice will be sent home if homework is missing.  Parents are to sign the notice and return it to school the following day. It is MANDATORY that all work be made-up, partial credit will be given for work handed in late.
    • Although every effort is made to post on the SchoolWorld website each day, on occasion there may be circumstances that will not allow for posting of homework.
      • Homework will be posted on the classroom board each day and it is the student's responsibility to copy their homework in their STUDENT PLANNER each day.