Welcome Students!

  • Dear Students,
    Welcome to Fifth Grade Social Studies! I am looking forward to getting to know you and having an exciting and productive school year. Much of what you need to know about my class is on this website, so I encourage you to look over the material thoroughly. Use the links on the left to move around the site.

    The beginning of our school year will be devoted to reviewing geography and the skills you'll need to be an outstanding social studies student. After that, we'll be learning about American History from its earliest beginnings, to the start of our nation, through the Civil War. This is my favorite period of history to study, so I hope I can make it yours too!

    I believe effort is the most important part of success.  My most successful students come to class prepared, complete their assignments, study prior to quizzes and tests, and ask lots of questions.  If you do that, and follow my directions, I know you will be successful as well. I am here to help you, so never hesitate to come see me.
    Mr. Melia