- Middle School
- Interactive Notebook
Interactive Notebook
The purpose of the Interactive Notebook is to enable you to be a creative, independent, and reflective thinker and writer throughout the year. Interactive notebooks will be used for class notes as well as for other activities where you will be asked to express your own ideas and apply the information and skills learned in class. It also helps you review for quizzes, tests, and writing assessments.
As you learn new ideas in class, you will be using various types of writing and graphic techniques to record this information. Then, you will be doing something with these ideas instead of just letting the information sit in your notebook. This will allow you to use your critical-thinking skills, take advantage of your creativity, and become more independent in your education.
Your Interactive Notebook is your property and will be key to your success in Social Studies this year. It will contain your notes, handouts, and valuable information concerning our class. It will also contain your thoughts, your creativity, and your personality - take care of it! Remember it is your responsibility to obtain notes, materials, and notebook assignments if you are absent from class. It will be collected and scored at least once per marking period and counts for 35% of your grade. Be sure to bring your Interactive Notebook to class every day!