Weekly Geography Homework

During weeks with at least 4 school days, students are assigned a Weekly Geography Homework. The homework is handed out on the first school day of the week and is due on the last school day of the week. Students glue the homework into the BACK PAGES of their notebook on the ODD numbered (right side) pages starting with 199. The even numbered (left side) pages opposite each assignment are “left” for you to do a creative Extra Credit piece based on something from the homework. The table below lists the Weekly Geography Homework assignments and the due date. Click on the Assignment Number to download or print an assignment if you did not receive a copy in class. Remember, I always have extra copies in a folder located in our classroom.

Due Date Assignment
Due Date
501 521
502 522
503 523
504 524
505 525
506 526
507 527
508 528
509 529
510 530
511 531
512 532
513 533  
514 534  
515 535  
516 536  
517 537  
518 538  
519 539  
520 540